Virtual cameras mode

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Virtual cameras mode

Post by vbart »

I would like to use SceneScan Pro with virtual cameras.
I compiled “input_transfer_example.cpp” from samples, but response images are mixed up, even when operation mode is “Pass through”:
VirtualCameras.png (78.41 KiB) Viewed 42196 times
Ever encountered this issue?
Attached current settings of SceneScan if it can help.

Thank you for your support,
(19.58 KiB) Downloaded 1763 times
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Re: Virtual cameras mode

Post by k.schauwecker »

This is likely due to to a significant amount of packet loss on the network. If you are using the virtual network camera you must be aware that the achievable frame rate is significantly lower than with a real camera. This is due to the fact that the network throughput is actually the bottleneck for most configurations. In our presets SceneScan typically makes use of 900 MBit/s, so almost the full available bandwidth on a 1 gigabit link. If you are also transferring the input images over the same link, you will have to reduce the frame rate to remain with the available bandwidth. Also i would recommend to switch to TCP protocol in this case as there will always be a high amount of packets lost due to collisions, and TCP is able to handle this better.
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Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:09 pm

Re: Virtual cameras mode

Post by vbart »

Thank you Konstantin for your quick reply.
It is the same when sending image at a very low rate over UDP, so I tried TCP.
However, when sending images through NVCom I get no answer.
Looking through Wireshark, I see first images are sent but nothing comes back.

Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:09 pm

Re: Virtual cameras mode

Post by vbart »

Hello, can you reproduce the problem?
TCP is working well when using real cameras, but with virtual ones only UDP mode sends results.
Thank you for your support
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